cliff 怎么记


海崖横空大桥Sea Cliff Bridge是蓝色海洋路最漂亮且别具特色的一段,是一座依傍陡峭悬崖建造的长达665米的架空天桥,人们可在一阵阵的海风中俯瞰海滨公路、卧龙岗及太平洋的壮阔景色;这里茫茫的大海,恬静的海湾,绿色的山峦...

混蛋成功-60岁的马大卫与他倔强的下嘴唇(Dave Mustaine)乐队|吉他|贝司|metallica_网易订阅

1988年1月19日,MEGADETH 发行第3张专辑,专辑中的"In My Darkest Hour"是为了纪念因车祸去世的 METALLICA 贝司手,同时也是大卫的好友 Cliff Burton的,MEGADETH 此后的现场几乎都会演唱这首歌。随着金属风潮的衰落,大部分...


ledge n.[C]①a narrow flat piece of rock that sticks out on the side of a mountain or cliff.②a narrow shelf 这就是 全英单词本,没有写一个中文。哥以前说过,背单词最忌讳一个英文对应一个中文。你要记载本子(脑子)...

单词轻松 第615天

5、cliff active['æktɪv] n.主动语态;积极分子 adj.积极的;活跃的;主动的;有效的;现役的 拆分:ac(AC米兰)+ti(提)+ve(维生素E) 联想:AC米兰主动提出了要吃维生素E impatient[ɪm'peɪʃ(ə)nt] adj.焦躁的;不...


谷爱凌的家在旧金山Sea Cliff市区,这是旧金山的一个临海高档社区。谷家的住宅价值数百万美元,从谷爱凌的卧室就能看得到著名的金门大桥。2003年9月3日,谷爱凌出生在美国旧金山。父亲是美国白人,母亲谷燕是北京人。谷爱凌与...

键盘侠|仇威少脱了鞋干湖人 战神卡神勇无敌让老詹暂避锋芒

We need Zu back desperately though.The defense and rebounding have fallen off a cliff without him 快船球迷:詹姆斯也是看到了卡哇伊最近的神勇表现,就不想跟他玩,哈哈。但我们真的很需要祖巴茨回来,没有他,我们的...


an island in the water,an uneven rock in the water,and a cliff in the water.Green trees and green vines cover,wrap,shake and sag.See The difference is uneven and flutters in the wind.There are about a hundred ...


determined to get to the end of this wood.At the end of the wood he found the source of the stream and,at the foot of a cliff,there was a small cave in which there seemed to be a faint light.He left his boat ...


“这就是‘罂粟花平原(Poppy Basin)’和‘倒金钩崖(Barb Cliff)’了”陈柄良蚂蚁叫道,“我不能下去,在上面等你!我谢过陈柄良蚂蚁,直接来个信仰之跃,又打开跳伞,飘悠悠下去了。(在倒金钩崖边)… 陈柄良正在大声推销...


determined to get to the end of this wood.At the end of the wood he found the source of the stream and,at the foot of a cliff,there was a small cave in which there seemed to be a faint light.He left his boat ...